About the Ministry of Home Affairs
The Ministry of Home Affairs is one of the main Government Ministries under the current Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA). It coordinates the functions that are directly geared towards the welfare of Solomon Island citizens.
Minister of Home Affairs
Hon. Junior Isikeli Vave
Welcome to the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Our Mission is to empower the Solomon Islands people to shape a stable political future for the nation through ethical leadership and good governance.
Our Services
Ministry services include:
- Electoral Reform (Electoral Act reviews and Election processes)
- Legislative Reviews (HCC Act, Gaming and Lotteries, NGO Bill, Citizenship Act and Censorship Act)
- Sports development and hosting Pacific Games (Strengthening operations of the National Sports Council)
- Civil Registration & Vital Statistic System (Demographic Coding System)
- Civil Affairs and Stakeholders Partnerships (NGOs, Churches, Chiefs, Development Exchange Services and Civil Society Groups)
- Strengthening operations and relationships with the Honiara City Council
- Drawing up annual and special public holidays
- Administer and issue public liquor ban of specific durations
To achieve its mission, the Ministry delivers services through its six (6) Divisions.
Essential Services
Financial Assistance
Divisions and Departments
The Ministry of Home Affairs has the following Divisions and Departments under its umbrella. You will find quick information about each and their contact details if required.
Corporate Services Division
The Corporate Services Division is one of the main Divisions within the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Division comprises of two important units, Accounts and Admin.
The Accounts Unit supervises the execution of the Ministry’s Budget on a daily basis and ensures that all needed procurements for the Ministry is met.
The Admin Unit ensures that all administrative matters of the Ministry is taken care of, and oversees staff recruitment, promotions and disciplinary matters.
Civil Registration Division
The Civil Registration Division provides individuals and the State with legal recognition that a birth, death or marriage has taken place.
Civil Affairs Division
The Civil Affairs Division is a customer oriented service provider that plays an essential role within the Ministry of Home Affairs.
The division is mandated to administer and enforce the relevant laws of the Solomon Islands and the policy priorities of the Government of the day.
Sports Division
The Sports Division ensures that appropriate support is provided to the National Sports Council that has the mandate by law to administer and coordinate sports development in the Solomon Islands.
Solomon Islands Electoral Commission
The Office of the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission is the administrative arm of the Electoral Commission and headed by the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO).
The commission is responsible for all functions of voter registration and the conduct of all National General Elections including By-Elections.
Honiara City Council
The administration of the Honiara City Council Act is a prerogative of the State Minister for Home Affairs.
The Ministry is responsible to ensure that the HCC carries out its functional roles and mandates effectively and efficiently to delivery optimum services to all inhabitants of Honiara Township.
Documents and Links
Express Directory
Here you will find the direct contact details for relevant staff at The Ministry of Home Affairs. Please feel free to get in touch should you have any queries you wish to discuss.
Main Office | 28602 |
Minister | 28601 EXT 215 |
Permanent Secretary | EXT 214 |
Executive Personal Secretary | EXT 212 |
Under Secretary (Corporate) | 28602 EXT 210 |
Under Secretary (Technical) | |
Human Resource Manager | EXT 204 |
Financial Controller | EXT 207 |
Accounts | EXT 213 |
Registry | EXT 206 |
Director Civil Affairs | EXT 211 |
Civil Affairs Division | 26045 EXT 201 |
Civil Affairs Officer | EXT 208 |
Director for Sports | EXT 209 |
Sports Division | EXT 202 / 209 |
Registrar Civil Registration | EXT 205 |
Civil Registration Division 1 | 26045 EXT 201 |
Civil Registration Division 2 | EXT 203 |
Chief Executive Officer- Electoral Office | 21198 / 99 |
City Clerk- Honiara City Council | 21164 |
Deputy Clerk- Honiara City Council | 21164 |
If you’re in the Solomon Islands and wish to visit us, our office location is provided below for your convenience. We look forward to welcoming you.