About the Ministry of Forestry & Research

The Ministry of Forestry and Research is responsible to sustain the beneficial aspects of the forest to the economy, environment and the livelihood of many Solomon Islanders, resource owners and custodians of the forest.

Ministry of Forestry & Research

Hon. Makario Tagini

Welcome to the Ministry of Forestry and Research.

Our Mission is to utilize, conserve and manage forest resources for the continuing benefit of the environment and the people of the Solomon Islands.


Welkam!  It is my pleasure as Minister for Ministry of Forestry and Research in welcoming you to our website.

We, the Ministry of Forestry and Research are stewards with responsibility to manage and help sustain the beneficial aspects of the forest to the economy, environment and the livelihood of many Solomon Islanders, resource owners and custodians of the forest.

With one mission, to utilize, conserve and manage forest resources for the continuing benefit of the environment and the people of Solomon Islands.

Here, we provide an equal avenue to reaching out to you all. To inform, educate and disseminate rightful available data, figures and updated news. Aiming at enhancing your access to the much-needed information about the Ministry and its ongoing activities.

To help guide officials from key partner stakeholders and institutions, forest industries, the forest society and the public, providing a clear framework and process for accessing and disseminating rightful information’s from the forest sector.

The Ministry of Forestry and Research remains the mandated agency under the Solomon Islands Government to overseeing the facilitation, and promotion of better management of the country’s forest resources.

And the utilization of the forest resources for sustainable benefit to the resource owners, stakeholders and the Solomon Islands Government.

It stands as a driving catalyst to promote the applications of sustainability in a holistic approach with emphasis to enable greater participation of all forest stakeholders.

Making sure standards for commercial logging, reforestation and other related activities are upheld, and allows for the development of supportive and enabling legislations to implement and enhance enforcement measures on key strategic areas.

I hope that you will find this website useful in your search for information on the forestry sector in Solomon Islands and what it has to offer.

It is indeed my pleasure, having you here.

Tagio Tumas

Our Services

Ministry services include:

  • Implementation of the Forest Development and Reforestation program Planning and management of forest resource
  • Monitor all logging operations
  • Management and improvement of the Herbarium and the Botanical Garden’s infrastructure for both research and amenities
  • Implement the Government Forest policy
  • Regulate, monitor and enforce FRUTA, its regulations, forest policy and the code of logging practice etc.
  • Nurture and supply of seedlings
  • Provision of relevant technical advice and ensure compliance
  • Promote sustainable forest resource management
  • Provision of vital information such as gazette Determined value (Duty) Schedules to clients
  • Research studies into timber, logs, flora and fauna; and improvement of botanical gardens and safe keeping of vital specimens.

To achieve its mission, the Ministry delivers services through its six (6) Divisions.

Organisational Chart

Divisions and Departments

The Ministry of Forestry & Research has the following Divisions and Departments under its umbrella. You will find quick information about each and their contact details if required.

Corporate Services Division

The main task of the Division is to provide an effective support service to the technical divisions on conditions of service including a wide range of human resource management issues; financial advice, budget, quarterly financial reports, logistics, upkeep of Ministry accounts, office maintenance/repairs, transportation, and IT support.

Forest Development and Reforestation Division

This Division is responsible for the implementation of the Forest Development & Reforestation program.

The program has been promoted by the former AusAID Forestry Management Project and officially handed over to the MoFR in 2009.

The Forest Development & Reforestation Division was then formalised to implement the program under the SIG development program known as the National Forest Plantation Development Program.

Forest Resource Management & Technical Service Division

This Division is responsible for the Planning and Management of the forest resource through the execution of certain delegated responsibilities under the National Forest regulations.

The coverage of responsibilities under the Forest Resource Management, Technical Services and Licensing Division is divided into three (3) specific sections with key areas:

  • Policy Planning and Technical Services Section
  • Enforcement Section
  • Licensing Section

A new addition to this Division is the REDD+ National Program.

Forest Industries Division

The Forest Industries Division comprises of two sections; the Marketing Section and the Operations Section that is headed by a Deputy Commissioner of Forests.

Its core function is to monitor all logging operations to ensure improved revenue from log shipments and compliance with FRTUA, its subsidiary regulations and Code of Logging practices.

National Herbarium & Botanical Garden Division

This Division is directly responsible for the management and improvement of the Herbarium and the Botanical Garden’s infrastructure for both research and amenities for visitors, researchers and fellow citizens.

It’s made up of two sections; Herbarium Section and the Botanical Garden Section.

The Herbarium Section is responsible for all research related work whereas the Botanical Garden Section is responsible for live plant collections and the general improvement and upkeep of the Botanical Garden.

Timber Utilization Division

The Division is mandated to implement the Government Forest policy with regards to the downstream processing. It also manages the Government’s initiative to assist the Forest Resource owners with milling equipment and advice under the Downstream Processing Project (DSP).

Administration Section

The Administration Section is responsible to provide efficient management of human resources and administrative support services to the Ministry of Forestry and Research both in Honiara and in the provinces.

Account Section

The Account Section is responsible for maintaining proper record of all property and assets of the Ministry.

Registry Section

The Registry Section is responsible for daily administering registry processes and other MPS and SIG procedures within the Ministry.

Media and Communications Section

The Media and Communications Section is responsible for maintaining and updating the Ministry’s website along with publicizing and informing the general public of the Ministry’s activities.

Plantation and Silviculture Section

The Plantation and Silviculture Section is responsible for providing technical capacity to out growers through continuous technical training and awareness, nursery establishment and quality seedling supply along with implementing the out growers subsidy.

Plantation Research Section

The Plantation Research Section is responsible for seed technology, tree improvement, and researching plot establishment and assessment.

Policy Planning and Technical Services Section

This Section is responsible for reviewing forestry legislations and progress its enactment along with planning and policy development.

Licensing Section

The Licensing Section is responsible for establishing and maintaining the license database (Anniversary Fees and land covered under license) and assisting the Commissioner of Forest Resource to administer and facilitate the processes to process felling licenses. This Section also carries out timber right awareness for Provincial Government, Provincial Forest Officers and rural people of the Solomon Islands.

Enforcement Section

The Enforcement Section is responsible for liaising with the Attorney General’s Chambers to file defence on behalf of the Commissioner of Forests on matters pertaining to forestry before the Courts. This Section also assists the Licensing Section with the training of Provincial Governments regarding the Timber Rights Acquisition processes.

Operation Section

The Operation Section is responsible for monitoring timber-harvesting operations for compliance with the Forest Resources and Timber Utilization Act (FRTUA) Regulations and Code of Logging Practice. This Section also ensures effective and efficient monitoring of log shipments, assisting Land Owners with technical advice, and conducting training and awareness workshops.

Legal Affairs Section

The Legal Affairs Section is responsible for furnishing legal assistance to the Permanent Secretary and the Commissioner of Forest on matters concerning interpretations and application of Solomon Islands’ laws and regulations, treaties, conventions and other international, regional, national and provincial agreements. This Section also assists in negotiations of regional and local agreements.

National Herbarium Section

The National Herbarium Section is responsible for conducting plant specimen collection, documentation and updating the Solomon Islands’ flora along with collaborating with international agencies, institutions and researchers to conduct research on ecology and botany. This Section also liaises with other herbaria for specimen loans and exchange.

Botanical Garden Section

The Botanical Garden Section is responsible for conducting living plant collections in provinces to increase biodiversity, promote plant conservation and display indigenous ornamental plants in the botanical garden. This Section also promotes in situ and ex situ conservation of vulnerable and endangered plant species, along with updating and managing plant records of all living plant materials stored inside the botanical garden.

Timber Utilization and Processing Section

This Section is responsible for providing training on Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) and encourages Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification. In addition, they promote and encourage Chain of Custody (CoC) to timber saw millers, facilitate applications for issue of milling licenses and export sawn timbers along with ensuring that the Value Added Timber Association (VATA) markets sawn timber and providing saw doctoring services to saw millers.

Enrichment Section

The Enrichment Section is responsible for establishing plots on logged over forest, plot assessment, providing advice on rehabilitation of logged over or degraded forest, and native forest silviculture.

Inventory Section

The Inventory Section is responsible for monitoring and compiling field assessments of logged areas, the harvest extent of the nation’s forest, and updating and maintaining the forestry information system. This Section also facilitates national workshops, along with collecting and reviewing data while liaising with stakeholders to update the status of forest resources in the country for the State of Forests Report.

REDD+ Section

The REDD+ Section is responsible for collecting and reviewing data while liaising with international agencies to update the status of forest resources for the State of Forests Report. This Section also implements the REDD+ program.

Economics Section

The Economics Section is responsible for assessing, processing and recommending export applications for issue of Market Price Certificate and Recommendation of Commissioner of Forest. This Section also liaises with the Economic Reform Unit of the Ministry of Finance on duty regulation and providing round log export data to resource owners and stakeholders upon request.

Visitor Services Section

The Visitor Services Section is responsible for conducting educational awareness in schools and communities to promote and excel the role of the Herbarium and Botanical Garden. This Section also maintains a Library and Information Centre to accommodate research needs and disperse plant information to the general public.

Express Directory

Here you will find the direct contact details for relevant staff at The Ministry of Forestry & Research. Please feel free to get in touch should you have any queries you wish to discuss.

Switch Board Line 1: 677-24215

Line 2: 677-22263

Line 3: 677-22253

Line 4: 677-22250

Receptionist EXT – 200
Minister EXT – 201
PS EXT – 202
Commissioner of Forests EXT – 206
Under Secretary (Technical) EXT – 214
Under Secretary (Administration) 24233
Chief Legal Officer EXT – 226
Corporate Service Division 24215
Forest Development and Reforestation Division
24503 / 24215
Forest Management and Technical Service Division
Forestry Industry Division
National Herbarium and Botanical Garden Division
Timber Utilization Division
24215 / 24505


If you’re in the Solomon Islands and wish to visit us, our office location is provided below for your convenience. We look forward to welcoming you.

Physical Address
Ministry of Forestry & Research
Lenggakiki, Hibiscus Avenue,
Honiara, Solomon Islands.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box G24, Honiara,
Solomon Islands.
22263 / 22250