About the Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock (MAL)

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) is one of the government’s key ministry responsible for formulating, executing, monitoring and coordinating the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) agricultural policies. It has two broad set of responsibilities and functions; one is related to policy and the other is linked to the provision of technical support and regulatory services. With the aim to manage natural resources and improve quality and quantity of production of staple and commodity crops and livestock, MAL continues to work together with government, NGO’s and private sector partners in its service delivery to facilitate and support the development of commercial agriculture and livestock in Solomon Islands.

Minister of Agriculture & Livestock

Hon. Franklyn Derek Wasi


Welcome to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL).

Our mission is to promote, improve and lead agriculture development in Solomon Islands to a profitable and environmentally sustainable future by being the premier provider of information, research, extension, education, regulatory, and other services to improve the agriculture sector.

Hon. Minister’s Bio/Profile

Franklyn Derek Wasi is the Honourable Minister for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) under the Government for National Unity and Transformation (GNUT) following his successful election for the East Makira Constituency (EMC) in the 2024 Solomon Islands Joint National General Election.

His father is from Marunga village in the Weather Coast of Makira/Ulawa Province and mother from Malu’u in the Northern region of Malaita Province.

Hon. Wasi holds a number of academic qualifications. This includes;

  • A Degree of Master of Agriculture in Food Security and Agricultural Development (Distinction) from Kyungpook National University at the Republic of Korea in 2020,
  • Degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the University of the South Pacific (USP) Alafua Campus in Samoa in 2011,
  • Diploma in Business English (Distinction) from Manchester, England in 2012,
  • Diploma in Project Management from the University of the South Pacific (USP) Solomon Islands Campus in Honiara under the Pacific Technical and Further Education in 2024,
  • Certificate IV in Project Management from the University of the South Pacific Solomon Islands Campus under Pacific Technical and Further Education in 2016.

He has also attended a Sub-regional Training Course on Sampling Methods for Producing Core Data Items for Agricultural and Rural Statistics under Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP) in Fiji in 2018 including a numerous technical trainings in-country.

Hon. Wasi has a colourful work history. Positions held included:

  1. National Project Coordinator for Capacity Building in Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific (ACP) Countries – PHASE III (ACP MEAS III) from March 2022 to March 2024,
  2. Lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry, Solomon Islands National University (SINU) from February 2020 to April 2022,
  3. Chief Planning Officer (Projects) of MAL from January 2018 to December 2018,
  4. Principal Planning Officer (Soils/Projects) of MAL from July 2016 to December 2017,
  5. Technical Land Use Planning Officer of the United Nations Development Programme (Adaptation Fund-SWoCK Project) from March 2015 to June 2016
  6. Part-Time Teaching Assistant at the University of the South Pacific Solomon Islands Campus from July 2012 to May 2015,
  7. Part-Time Lecturer at the School of Natural Resources and Applied Sciences, Solomon Islands National University (SNRAS/SINU) from February 2012 to November 2014.

In terms of consultancy engagements, Honourable Wasi has done exceptionally the following technical tasks:

  1. Provided consultancy work for FAO on a Capacity Building Initiatives for Transparency (CBIT) Project entitled “Strengthening capacity in the agriculture and land-use as well as energy sectors in Solomon Islands for enhanced transparency in implementation and monitoring of Solomon Island’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)” (GCP/SOI/003P/GFF) funded by Global Environment Facility (GEF) Cycle 7, 27 October 2021 to 30 March 2022. The project aims to strengthen institutional and human capacities to meet the enhanced transparency framework (ETF) requirement and tract the progress against priority actions encompassing mitigation and adaptation activities identified in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) of Solomon Island for agriculture, land-use change, energy and waste sectors.
  2. Provided consultancy work for UNDP Safeguarding Solomon Islands endemic and globally threatened biodiversity and ecosystem services from key threats, particularly Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and unsustainable land use practices (SAFE Project) on Sustainable Land Management funded by Global Environment Facility (GEF) Cycle 7, April 2021 to March 2022. The objective of the SAFE Project is that Solomon Islands indigenous species and ecosystems at reduced risk from IAS, land degradation and unsustainable resource use as a result of effective government, enabling and capacity, community participation and resilient blue/green economy.
  3. Provided consultancy work and conducted a Land Feasibility Study of Na Mweo (Tawaroga) for Agriculture Research Station, Star Harbour, Makira Ulawa Province for, September 2016
  4. Provided Consultancy work and conducted Soil Survey & Crop Suitability Assessment of Atoll Islands (Reef Outliers) for Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Project of Solomon Islands (PACC SI), November 2014
  5. Provided Consultancy work and hands-on trainings on Soil Management and Conservation for lead farmers of the Kastom Gaden Association (KGA), April to September 2014
  6. Provided Community Based Land Use Planning materials for Soil Management for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) SWoCK Project from 2015 to 2016 focusing on enhancing resilience of communities in Solomon Islands to the adverse effects of Climate Change in Agriculture and Food Security.

Other work engagements included the following:

(i) National Steering Committee of the GEF Small Grants Programme under UNDP

(ii) Member of the Technical Working Committee for the Solomon Islands National Agriculture Survey 2017

(iii) Member of the Google Coconut Group consisting of Coconut Specialists around the World http://groups.google.com/group/coconut/subscribe.

Our Services

Ministry services include;

  • Facilitate and support the development of commercial agriculture in Solomon Islands.
  • Facilitate research, development and marketing of high value cash crops.
  • Facilitate acquisition of Russell Islands Plantation Estates.
  • Support agro-forestry in the country (SI).
  • Promote oil palm development in other parts of the country.
  • Facilitate and support the development of livestock industry.
  • Enhance and promote sustainable agriculture development in Solomon Islands and ensure the sector contributes to economic growth, stability, food security, good health and rural development through improved rural livelihoods.
  • Promote, improve and ensure leading agricultural developments in Solomon Islands are profitable and environmentally sustainable through the provision of timely and quality agricultural information, research, extension, education and regulatory services throughout the country.

To achieve its mission, the Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock delivers services through its six (6) Departments. The six Departments are composed of Divisions through different duties to achieve a common aim, lines of communication and reporting.

Departments and Units

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock has the following Departments and Units under its organisational structure. You will find quick information about each and their contact details if required.

Agriculture Planning and Land Use Department

The Agriculture Planning and Land Use Department is responsible for planning, policy formulation, monitoring, evaluation of agriculture projects, engaging farmers to form farmers’ organizations and dealing with donor funded projects.

Agriculture Extension and Training Department

Agriculture Extension and Training department (service) is defined as the transfer of agricultural technology from experts to farmers, livestock keepers and other stakeholders. The department has three major roles. This include;

  1. The transfer of readily usable technologies.
  2. To simplify technologies which cannot be transferred in the form produced by the research institutions.
  3. To identify and transfer farmers/livestock keepers problems to research institutions.

Other functions also include;

  • Facilitation, development and implementation of Agriculture development programmes (National Food Security Enhancement Programme (NFS), National Agriculture Livelihood Improvement and Export Base Expansion Programme (ALEBE), Sustainable Economic Growth and Export Strengthening (SEGES), etc.
  • Provision of agriculture extension and advisory services.
  • Facilitate the operations of the agriculture training center’s in collaboration with provincial authorities.

Agriculture Research and Development Department

Research and Development department responsibilities include:

  • Lead the researching, collecting, monitoring, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing of relevant information.
  • Conduct research projects and disseminate findings, publications, policies, and procedures available in databases, publications, documents, Internet and other sources.
  • Promote organizational learning, integration of knowledge, and use of information to serve needs of individual staff, MAL projects, agriculture groups, and farmers particularly smallholders.
  • Deliver knowledge-based specialised technical services in crop and livestock priorities, for MAL officer support and thereby farmer development.

Livestock Production and Veterinary Services Department

The Livestock Production and Veterinary Services Department consist of four units. This include: Livestock Research, Development, Extension, and Animal Health and Disease. The department responsible for;

  • Policy & Regulation on National Animal Health and Production services.
  • Livestock development & extension services in all nine provinces.
  • Breeding and distribution of livestock & dissemination of information.
  • Monitor /surveillance on National Animal Health.
  • Conduct research and provide farmer based animal health and production problems.
  • Conduct research for further use/domestication of indigenous animal species.

Biosecurity Solomon Islands Department

Guided by the Biosecurity Act 2013, (refer to link http://www.biosecurity.gov.sb/ for details) and associated regulations and orders, the Biosecurity Department is responsible for maintaining effective biosecurity to protect the country (SI) from pest and diseases, controlling pests and diseases that may enter the country, negotiating market access requirements for agricultural goods being exported and facilitating trade in compliance with international standards.

Note: Updated legislation is currently in draft as the Biosecurity Bill.

Corporate Services Department

Corporate Services Department made up of the Administration and Accounts. It is responsible for supporting Departments with their administrative responsibilities. The department sets the foundation in making sure logistics, capacity building, and payments are done on time. In addition, they ensure officers are comfortable with their job and Human Resource Management issues are dealt with promptly and accurately.

MAL Information Unit

The MAL/Agriculture Information Unit (AIU) also known as Solomon Islands National Agriculture Information Centre (SINAIC) is the Public Relation (PR) arm of the Ministry. It is responsible for the transfer and dissemination of information to the farmers and all stakeholders through Video, Radio, and print materials. The Unit is the premier provider of all agriculture information to farmers, stakeholders and the public throughout the country. It has a library that stores books, journals, newsletters, publications and other learning resources. It also has Internet search capabilities that students and other users can use to collect information.

Documents and Links

Express Directory

Here you will find the direct contact details for relevant staff at the Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock. Please feel free to get in touch should you have any queries you wish to discuss.

Minister 22143 / 28240
Permanent Secretary 28615
Undersecretary 24569
Corporate Service
General enquiries 22143 / 22145 / 22147 / 24767
Human Resource Manager 20313 Ext 211
Extension Department
General enquiries 25031
Director Extension 28116
Provincial contacts
Malaita Province – Auki 40241
Isabel Province – Buala 35190
Choiseul Province- Taro 63182
Western Province
Gizo 60464
Munda 7545360
Central Province – Tulagi 32252
Guadalcanal Province- Honiara 26043
Temotu Province – Lata 53122
Makira/Ulawa Province- Kirakira 50026
Renbel Province – Tingoa 7217730
Honiara Urban 7116098

Biosecurity Solomon Islands (BSI) Department





General enquiries 24657 / enquiries@biosecurity.gov.sb
Seaport Honiara

Airport Honiara

Surveillance and Post Entry Quarantine




Noro BSI

Gizo BSI



Director BSI 28926
Planning Department
General enquiries 22143
Director Planning 26042
Livestock Department
General enquiries 20226
Director Livestock 23007
Research and Development Department  


General inquiries 34000
Director 23714


If you’re in the Solomon Islands and wish to visit us, our office location is provided below for your convenience. We look forward to welcoming you.


Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock,

P.O. Box G13 Honiara,

Solomon Islands.

Social Media

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