Hire a Venue

The National Museum’s indoor auditorium can be hired out for events and functions organized by various groups, churches and schools. A letter of request must be submitted to the Manager Auditorium along with indication of the date and time at least two weeks in advance before the actual date.

In the case where the gathering has a political or commercial nature, the National Museum Director will be required to review the application before approval is granted.

See below for the National Museum’s indoor auditorium hire rates.

Community venue hire rates:

Hire Period Weekday Weekend SIG Public Holiday
Less than an hour or hour

[≤ 1 hour]

$250 n/a n/a
Less than 2 hours or 2 hours [≤ 2 hours] $500 $1,000 n/a
Half a day

[> 2 hours but ≤ 4 hours]

$1,500 $2,000 $3,000
Full day

[8 hours]

$3,000 $4,000  



Weekly rate

[5 days]

Weekly rate

[7 days including weekends]



Private/Commercial venue hire rates:

Hire Period Weekday Weekend SIG Public Holiday
Less than half a day [≤ 2 hours] $1,000 n/a n/a
Half a day

[≥ 2 hours but ≤ 4 hours]

$2,000 $2,500 $2,900
Full day [8 hours] $3,500 $4,000 $5,000
Weekly rate

[5 days]

Weekly rate

[7 days including weekends]

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