The Ministry of Health and Medical Service week-long Annual Operation Plan and Budget Workshop for 2025, attended by Directors and Senior Officials from various Departments within the Ministry, including those from Provincial Health Facilities closed on a high note yesterday
The meeting was aimed to develop a shared understanding of the strategic objectives necessary to achieve the indicators outlined in the MHMS National Health Strategic Plan 2022-2031. It also enabled the synthesis, dissemination, and application of available evidence to inform planned activities for 2025 with the aim of achieving improved health outcomes.
Other aims of the meeting included enhancing collaboration between national programs, provinces and health partners, ensuring integrated planning and budgeting processes and finalising a draft Annual Operational Plan (AOP) for 2025.
Speaking at the closing of the workshop at the Heritage Park Hotel yesterday, Minister for Health and Medical Services emphasized the importance of collaboration.
“We have done so much in previous years and like I said in my speech on the first day, we have come a long way. Let’s maintain this collaboration and connectivity going forward to 2025.”
“I wish to acknowledge the hard work and efforts you all have committed to take on responsibilities within your respective roles on the ground to deliver the best of our ministry and perseverance to improve on health outcomes even in the midst of budgetary challenges and issues, HR gaps, capacity issues, logistic issues, and many more. For this I commend you all for the work you are doing to deliver quality health services to our people.”
“The Ministry of Health and the health sector at best can only address and have direct impact on 20% of our health issues. 80%of our health issues are outside of health, hence we need our partners, line ministries and our communities to support our cause, whether it is in NCD, rural water supply installation and maintenance, waste disposal, food safety, maternal health, immunization or malaria programs.”
“Thus, it is so important that we plan and budget well in preparation for our next year’s budget but more so by planning well we hope that we prevent poor performance in our Ministry. Let’s continue to stay connected and ensure effective and efficient communication, using our information to guide us in our journey, share our experiences, and support one another at all levels in our joint efforts and common journey towards 2025 and beyond,” said Minister Bosawai.