PM Manele commends reforestation programs in Malaita Province
Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele commended reforestation programs in Malaita province with a pledge to step up the government’s support for community reforestation efforts.
Speaking at the Malaita Province Second Appointed Day celebration in Auki Thursday last week, Manele said the Government through the Ministry of Forest and Research will continue to assist resource owners through its programs and activities in close partnership with development partners.
The Government through the Ministry of Forest and Research actively implemented the National Forest Plantation Development and Reforestation Program in the province through provisions of Seed banks to supply genetically improved seeds/seedlings, capacity building through technical training, supply of tools and equipment under its out-growers subsidy scheme, and facilitate future market opportunities for both plantation wood and timber products.
To date, Malaita province is the second highest to the Western province with 7,500 out growers, planting over 3,500 hectares of plantation forest – a potential future source of wood and timber supply.
“Forest Resources continues to play a significant role in supporting the livelihood and well-being of the people of this province socially, environmentally, and economically,” Manele said.
As one of the most populated provinces in this country, a lot of pressure has been placed on forest resources for both wood, timber, and non-wood forest products. Consequently, the capacity of this resource to continue to provide for forest users now and in the future is of great concern.
Malaita Province has a land area of 422,000 hectares of which 41,000 hectares is suitable for logging. Currently only around 10,000 hectares of forest is still unlogged. However, it is assumed that because of the scattered nature of the remaining commercial forests and the Province’s large population that relies on forest products and land, the potential for export logging is limited.
The Prime Minister also commended partnership programs between local communities and development partners in promoting reforestation activities.
One such program is the Sustainable Forest Management with Community Participation, the Government in partnership with JICA has over the past 5 years successfully piloted with Falake community in West Kwara’ae on Sustainable Forest Management with community participation which covers a total area of 302.5 hectares.
The pilot program aims to empower resource owners to actively participate in the sustainable management of their forest resources. This serves as a successful model for future sustainable forest management initiatives.
“The Government continues to work with this community and is committed to working with other communities on this initiative going forward,” Manele said.
The Government through the Ministry of Forestry and Research also implements the downstream processing program aimed at encouraging and supporting local entrepreneurs in the forestry and timber industry.
The Ministry of Forest and Research established the Value-Added Timber Association (VATA) in which more than 45 percent of financial members are from Malaita province.
According to VATA, most of the sawn timbers received in recent years come from Malaita province. Apart from VATA timber yards in Honiara and Noro, the ministry is planning to establish one in Malaita province in the coming years.
The program continues to assist timber producers from Malaita province through; freight subsidy, provision of mills and chainsaws, technical capacity, marketing, and FSC certification through the chain of custody to ensure timber producers meet international market standards.
The Ministry of Forestry through its extension service network is also actively involved with the WINROCK International-SCALE-NRM program by pursuing and supporting Natural Resource Management, conservation, and Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) initiatives in Malaita Province.
“I would like to specifically commend the work initiated by Batairalo Nature and Natural Solutions, alongside the tribes from Saefanoa Land and lands within the Rafea area. Your dedication to conservation and sustainable development is truly inspiring,” Manele said.
“I want to encourage you all to continue with this momentum. Your initiative and willingness to collectively manage and develop your land for the benefit of all is commendable. The entire country can learn from your example, and I want to assure you that the national government stands ready to support your endeavors,” Manele said.