Obtain a Police Clearance

The Forensic Unit of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force oversees the criminal records of the RSIPF. This office is located at Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara.

First, a SBD$90.00 fee must be paid at the Ministry of Finance and Treasury where a receipt will be issued. This receipt is then submitted to the Police Clearance Office at Rove Police HQ where individuals will fill in a police clearance form.

The completed form is handed back to the officers at the Police Clearance Office who will then conduct a fingerprint and photograph check against the RSIPF Forensic database.

Waiting Period

The usual waiting period is at least one week to enable the Director Forensic Office to issue a police clearance letter based on whether or not the applicant has a criminal record.

Provided here below is the form to obtain a police clearance.


Click Here to visit RSIPF’s website to access the Police Clearance Application Form.