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The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) today (Tuesday 13th – 23rd Dec) commenced a two weeks training with the theme the NEW DAY STRATEGY for its senior staff including from Guadalcanal, Malaita and Makira provinces.
The workshop will be opened by the MAL Hon. Minister Augustine Auga with the objective of releasing and activating the new human component to transform the agriculture context.
The objective is the transformation of the ‘Change Agent as the pivotal requirement to transform the agriculture sector.
“The change agent is MAL both as an individual staff and as a corporate entity and representing all the stakeholders in the very mandate and vision of MAL as a Solomon Islands Government (SIG) entity empowered to implement the relevant government policies of the day.”
“These are all connected to the arriving future as the focus of present objectivity and activity. The MAL staff and what it represents in all its stakeholders is the common denominator of the agriculture and rural development sector.”
“Its efficiency and effectiveness to manage the sector accurately represents a release of an exponential platform to service the whole agriculture sector.”
The first week of training is targeting the leadership of MAL as a core human resource development to transfer its capacity beyond mind and information, programming and activity to a position and posture of naturalized professional and ethical human component existing in a lifestyle of accuracy and relevance to shape the agriculture components that will build a relevant agriculture to match the demand of the arriving future.
The Permanent Secretary, Lottie Vaisekavea said the future always determines the present parameters.
“The agriculture leadership is like a mountain delivering water or resource to the downstream. If the mountain is clean the people downstream will drink clean water. But if the mountain is dirty the people downstream will also drink dirty water.”
He further adds that the leadership dynamic to be transformed is vital and fundamental to shape a relevant future.
The training is also interrogative in the sense it will inform us of the priorities for the second week.
The second week will focus on operations – technical policy and AWP programming and institutional arrangements to deliver the Agriculture Sector Growth and Investment Plan (ASGIP) in a managed and deliberate architecture of objective strategies and focus.
Every agriculture and MAL leaders are encouraged to attend with an open mind. In the midst of the Global crisis upon the earth – the requirement for sight (vision) is imperative.
The training will be very transactional like looking at yourself at a mirror and from different angles.”
Source: MAL Media