Health Minister visits and donates medicine to Kirakira hospital
The Minister for Health and Medical Services, Hon. Paul Bosawai visited and donated much-needed medical drugs to Kirakira Hospital on Monday.
Hon. Bosawai was part of the Prime Minister’s delegation to the Makira-Ulawa 2nd Appointed Day celebrations and used the opportunity to visit the hospital.
He toured various wards and facilities while witnessing and listening to the immediate needs of the hospital from the Provincial Health Director John Harara and departmental staff.
During his interactions with the Director and hospital staff, Hon. Bosawai encouraged them to make a rapid stocktake of their urgent needs so that he could seek support to address them.
Several urgent improvements, including wards, beddings, laundry facilities, a standby generator, dental equipment, x-ray and radiology facilities, and training, were identified during the tour.
Minister Bosawai assured the hospital authorities that his immediate task is to ensure these needs and challenges are fixed.
He concluded his tour by handing over emergency drug supplies to the hospital pharmacy department.