West Kwara’ae by-election poll workers’ Training Underway
Training of all poll workers for the West Kwara’ae Parliamentary by-election is underway in Buma Village in the Constituency. Training commenced last night with an introduction session from 8-10 pm.
Over 150 polling officers are being trained for the 30 polling stations which includes 29 polling day stations and 1 prepoll station. These are;
- 30 Presiding Officers
- 30 Polling Assistants/Ballot Paper Issuers
- 30 Polling Assistants/Ballot Box Guards
- 30 Polling Assistants/Verifications
- 30 Queue Controllers
The introduction of Queue Controllers and the Polling Assistant/Ballot Paper Issuers, are newly introduced polling officers for a polling team.
These are to improve managing the polling process in all polling stations. Respective duties and tasks are assigned for each officer with the Presiding Officer being the manager of a polling station.
The impact which this new introduction has on the efficiency of facilitating and performing administrative tasks required at the polling station on the polling day is something for learning from this pilot exercise.
The training sessions include theoretical aspects and hands-on activities.
The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission would like to thank the community and its people in Buma Village for the warm hospitality during all our officers’ stay.
Training continues today and is expected to complete tomorrow morning. All polling teams will be deployed to respective polling stations by
mid-day tomorrow.
Polling is from 7am to 5pm, on Wednesday 24 May 2023.
Saeléa liu ma tagio liu huamul.
SIEO Press