Total COVID-19 vaccination doses administered; 474,927 – 283,298 first dose and 191,629 as 2nd dose or boosters
As of Sunday 24th April 2022, the Ministry of Health and Medical Services has administered a total of 474,972 COVID-19 vaccines doses, 283,298 as first dose and 191,629 as 2nd dose or boosters.
This was announced by Mrs. Pauline McNeil, Health Permanent Secretary in her remarks at the COVID-19 Oversight Committee radio talk back show yesterday.
Mrs. McNeil highlighted that for adults 18 years and above, proportion covered with both doses nationally is 45 percent and provided break down of 2nd doses by province.
“For Honiara; 99%, Isabel 67%, Temotu 55%, Renbel 51%, Western 49%, Makira 56%, Guadalcanal 24%, Choiseul 49%, Malaita 24% and Central Islands Province 36%”.
She said that Pfizer vaccine that is targeting children 12 to below 18 years of age is being rolled out in all provinces except for Central Islands, Choiseul, Malaita and Renbel Provinces.
Deployment of Pfizer vaccine Work on deploying Pfizer vaccines to these provinces is ongoing and roll out of Pfizer in these provinces should commence early next month.
Mrs McNeil also provided update on the adverse events recorded so far for COVID-19 vaccination roll out. “In terms of adverse events: we have received 583 side effects being reported, 4 of them had been serious and were managed by our health staff. There has been on death which has been caused by vaccines”.
Special Secretary to Prime Minister (SPM) Dr Jimmy Rodgers, a Medical Doctor by profession also added during the talk back show that it is good news that coverage has increased, the country will need to reach or exceed over 70 percent coverage before borders can be fully opened. “Once we open up our borders we will be opening it up for other COVID-19 variants and therefore it is critical that the country passes this threshold to ensure safety of our people”,
Dr Rodgers also highlighted the need for people to continue to uphold COVID-19 safe measures as equally important prevention measure against COVID-19 as vaccination.
“What we are now observing is very concerning as people no longer taking the 2nd wave seriously. People can be seen moving around town without face masks is but a clear indication of the lack of seriousness, however the threat to our health and lives still remains with this current COVID-19 situation therefore everyone must continue to practice these safe measures”, said Dr Rodgers.