Solomon Islands Met Services consults on National Meteorology Policy
The Solomon Islands Meteorological Services, SIMS, has conducted a two days National Meteorology Policy consultation workshop with key partners in Honiara on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th June 2021.
The consultation workshop is to formulate and develop a standardised and applicable National Meteorology Policy to support the delivery of weather, climate and ocean scientific services in Solomon Islands.
Speaking during the consultation Meteorology Services Director David Hiriasia said the policy consultation workshop is a mile stone for the Meteorological Services in the process of the review and amendment of the Solomon Islands Meteorological Act 1985.
Hiriasia said the Solomon Islands Meteorological Services provides very important and vital services in the country and there is a need for a standardised and modernised comprehensive policy to guide its roles and responsibilities.
He added the consultation workshop is timely as the Government is currently embarking on its redirection policy.
Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, MECDM, Deputy Secretary Technical Chanel Iroi said contributions from key partners in their specific areas would help develop an applicable and practical policy to provide effective delivery of meteorological services.
Iroi said it is timely for a review of the Meteorological Act 1985 to guide the Solomon Islands Meteorology Services to effectively perform its roles and responsibilities according to international and regional standards.
He thanked the participants for their constructive contributions and inputs in the consultation stage of the policy.
Key partners consulted included Ministry of Communication and Aviation, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of Planning and Aid Coordination, Ministry of Mines and Energy, NDMO, Solomon Airlines, Solomon Island Maritime Authority, Solomon Islands Ports Authority, Solomon Islands National University, UNDP, NGOs and media.
Solomon Islands Meteorology Services is one of the core functions of the Solomon Islands Government that provides essential meteorological services both domestically and internationally.
GCU Press