Six Coral Triangle Countries holds 16th Senior Officials Meeting
The 16th Senior Officials Meeting (SOM-16) of the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF) got underway virtually yesterday, 13th December 2021. The meeting of SOM is to make decisions and give directions that will enable the business of the CTI-CFF to be carried efficiently in accordance with decisions of the CTI-CFF Council of Ministers. SOM-16 is chaired by Solomon Islands through Dr. Melchior Mataki who has been the Chair for the Committee of Senior Officials for the last 3 years.
In his opening remarks, Dr. Mataki paid recognition to the tremendous work of the National Coordination Committees of the six Coral Triangle Countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands and Timor Leste) and their staff for their commitment to the work programmes of CTI-CFF throughout the year. He told delegates that their continuous active participation and invaluable contributions must be applauded especially against the background of the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.
On the same token, Dr. Mataki also thanked the Regional Secretariat led by the Executive Director. “Your team has shown strength and stamina into ensuring that the aspirations of the six countries are being met is also appreciated” he told delegates.
To the partners of the CTI-CFF Dr. Mataki thanked each one of them for their partnership and continued collaboration with the CT6 or towards regional activities and appeal to them to continue their partnership with CTI-CFF on areas of mutual interests.
The SOM-16 objectives include:
- To get update on implementation of regional and national Programs and initiatives
- To deliberate and endorse on 2021 Financial Report and proposed 2022 Budget
- To deliberate and agree on amendments to Staff and Financial regulations, policies and procedures and recommend for approval at the 8th Ministerial Meeting.
- To acknowledge Development Partners contributions towards CTI-CFF goals
In the light of the above Dr. Mataki called for the valuable participation of all delegations over the three days, and to set the tone and guidance for the 8th -Ministerial Meeting of the CTI-CFF which will take place on Thursday 16 December 2021.