The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) through its Extension Department recently conducted a Kava training at Meqe village in Simbo Island aimed at bettering the knowledge and capacity of Kava farmers to produce quality kava.
MAL Extension officers in Western Province together with a lead kava grower from South Vella La Vella facilitated the demonstration training under MAL Export Crop Programme that ran from 25th-28th August 2021.
“The training was a success and a good representation of both men and women farmers which demonstrated the seriousness and interest of the farmers to learn about this new introduced cash crop (kava),” MAL Chief Field Officer for Western Province Sipuru Rove said.
“Kava is a newly introduced cash crop and people tend to grow it without having proper understanding on it therefore, providing such training is critical to ensure farmers acquired correct information to better their knowledge for improved and quality kava.
“Producing quality kava to meet market requirements are of paramount importance. And to guarantee that, MAL field officers trained farmers on the cash crop from nursery establishment to processing and also provided technical advices, awareness and trainings to boost farmers capacity,” Mr. Rove said.
Participants acknowledged MAL through its Extension Department in Honiara and Western Province Division for facilitating the training which they say the new skills and basic knowledge acquired from the training have given them more confidence to continue participate in kava farming and also help them manage their farms for better quality and productivity.
They also thanked MAL Extension officers in Western Province for their continuous support through the dissemination of new Agriculture information to farmers in the province.
Mr. Rove expressed boundless gratitude to the participants for their patient and commitment shown during the training and also acknowledged MAL management through its Extension department in Honiara for continuous support to the Western Province Extension Division.
Members and Extension Officers involved in the training are; Patrick Soruevo, Lead Kava grower and trainer, Annie Eddie, Extension Officer, Natasha Kilo, Extension Officer, Jason Soruevo, assistant lead farmer and Rocky Boamu, logistic personnel.
– MAL Press