The Solomon Islands Government has handed over a new Provincial Chamber and refurbished Library to the Temotu Provincial Government during the Prime Minister’s recent visit to Lata, Temotu Province.
The completions of the projects were made possible by the SIG support through the Provincial Capacity Development Fund, PCDF.
Speaking during the handover ceremony of the Library complex, Provincial Government Minister Honourable Rolland Seleso said the handing over of the infrastructures is a success story that resulted from the hard work and joint efforts of the Temotu Provincial Government, the National Government through the Ministry of Provincial Government, joining in partnership with the local contractors and other parties including Lata community.
“This success story will also underscores the challenges we have overcome and the lessons we have learned, through the implementation of National and Provincial Government projects such as those sponsored under the PCDF.
“I am glad that other PCDF projects are on-going. Now that Temotu has qualified for this year’s allocation, we will continue to work together in implementing your PCDF projects,” he said.
Minister Seleso assured the Premier and People of Temotu Province that the Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement, DCGA, will continue to support the Provincial Executive Government and continue to help serve the people.
“The National Government still commits itself with the provision of PCDF funding to help Provincial Governments implement needed projects of their choices, and help enhances connections with rural communities through the building of such infrastructures,” he said.
Ministry of Provincial Government Permanent Secretary Stanley Pirione also echoed the same sentiment during the handing over of the Temotu Provincial Assembly Chamber.
Pirione said there are around one thousand and six hundred plus projects in all provinces that are funded under the PCDF program.
“The PCDF has contributed to the facelift here in Lata, the Provincial capital,” he said.
Pirione added that the successful completions of the projects reflected the cooperation and relationship between the National and Provincial Governments through the Ministry of Provincial Government.
Speaking during the ceremonies, Temotu Provincial Premier Honourable Clay Forau thanked the National Government for kindly support and assistance provided through the Provincial Government Ministry.
Hon Forau said Temotu Provincial Government is proud to receive the infrastructures from the National Government.
“With the new Provincial Chamber, this will be the first time this year the Provincial Government will make important decisions in an environment that is conducive and safe for the members of this Provincial Assembly,” said Hon Forau.
“Temotu Province is also proud to host the first digital Library in the country apart from USP Centre in Honiara,” he added.
Premier Forau said the Temotu Provincial government will continue to work with the National Government to develop the province and country.
GCU Press