SI Immigration Division gets support from PNG Immigration and Citizenship Service Authority on Border Management System.
Solomon Islands Immigration Division (SIID) and PNG Immigration and Citizenship Services Authority (PNG ICSA) successfully conducted a two days border management system (BMS) workshop with Solomon Islands national stakeholders in Honiara from 22nd – 23rd April 2024.
The BMS workshop is a follow-up consultation with the Solomon Islands national stakeholders socialising with Foreign Investment, Labour, Police, Information Communication, Technology Service Unit and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade on the SIID proposed BMS project.
Solomon Islands is developing a new visa regime, which will be implemented soon and to go online to support investment, facilitate travels, trade and tourism.
The SI BMS project is one of the Immigration priorities for 2024 – 2026, which the Australian Government has approved funding for it earlier this year.
The project will help SIID to better manage the country’s borders and streamline investment, employment, visas processes, easing travels for investors, businesses and tourists wishing to apply for visa online.
The two days workshop allowed SIID and PNG ICSA to unpack the BMS functionalities for participants to understand why we need a border management system for Solomon Islands.
Supervising Permanent Secretary, Mr Hunter Masuguria, acknowledged the Australian and PNG Government for taking the lead to support SI Immigration.
PNG ICSA was tasked to support SIID in developing and implementing the BMS work plan for the Solomon Islands.
In his response, the PNG Acting Chief Migration Officer, Mr Wellington Navasivu, reiterated PNG ICSA commitment to supporting SIID to develop its border management system.
Acting Director of Immigration, Mr Chris Akosawa acknowledged the presence of the BMS workshop participants.
PNG ICSA is implementing a similar border system, Merit System, which uses their expertise, knowledge and experiences of rolling out the Merit Border System.
Mr Akosawa confirmed the PNG ICSA’s assistance including preparation and training development for Immigration officials on the BMS.
SIID is ambitious about rolling out a robust electronic border management system in which all entries and exits of Solomon Islands to be digitized; ensuring to keep our borders safe and secured.
PNG ICSA assistance includes assessment and scoping exercise on existing Solomon Islands Government infrastructure.
Mr Alfred Amos, PNG ICSA Infrastructure officer, confirmed that he was satisfied with the SI ICTSU existing infrastructures that would be supportive to the SI Immigration Border Management System.
PNG ICSA has an ongoing support for SI Immigration under an MOU on border security and cooperation signed in 2023.
The SIID is looking forward for the BMS’s first phase implementation in mid-year 2024 and anticipating for SI Visas.