From The Honourable Minister, Hon. Anthony Kamutulaka Veke, the Permanent Secretary, Commissioners of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force and the Correctional Services of Solomon Islands, the entire staff and families of the Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Services. We’d like to acknowledge and Wish the Government and people of Solomon Islands our heartiest Merry Christmas and Happy Prosperous New Year 2022.
We also wish to further extend our acknowledgement and Festive Greetings to:-
A Special Acknowledgement and Warm Greetings to the members of the Solomons’ International Assistance Force that include participating forces from Australia, New Zealand, the Republic of Fiji, and Papua New Guinea who are currently in the country to help restore and maintain peace and security.
Let us all celebrate and acknowledge the Almighty God for the provisions throughout this year 2021. Indeed this year has been very challenging for us but we need to make positive reflection and strive onwards with positive aspirations to build a better future for our present and future generation.
Let us pray that this Christmas will help us to become positive instruments of peace, seeking to build a kinder, gentler and resilient society in these challenging times.
As a responsible Ministry for law and order, security and safety, we always strive to promote a safe and secure Solomon Islands through our policing services, and continuing delivery of crime prevention strategy in our communities. We also work to enhancing the safety of our communities through facilitating the rehabilitation and safe reintegration of prison- ers. We thank all our stakeholders for their contributions to maintain peace and we continue to encourage everyone to be responsible law abiding citizens, contributing towards nation building in our national security endeavours.
As we celebrate Christmas and the start of a new year, let us do so responsibly with much respect for each other. Let our celebration be peaceful and timely to reflect on the love of God on Humanity. May the Love, Peace and Joy of the Prince of Peace- Jesus Christ fill our hearts as we celebrate this festive season with our families and friends.
“umitugeda for national security blo kadere blo umi” May God bless Solomon Islands from shore to shore.