The Education Management Information System Technical Working Group urgently calls on the school leaders to quickly return the student enrolment survey forms.
The survey forms are important for Grant Processing, Teacher Establishment Calculation, Decision Making and Development of Performance Assessment Report.
The return deadline set for the school survey forms has already lapsed on 25th July 2023 and it was noticed that only few schools had submitted their survey forms.
It is critical important that all schools must submit their completed survey forms to their respective Provincial Education Authorities.
For private and church education authorities, you are advised to submit your survey forms to the provincial education offices for instance, if a church school is located in Malaita province, the completed forms should be submitted to the Malaita education authority office.
Rennell and Bellona and Southern Region of Malaita to submit your forms to the Information Services Division, MEHRD Headquarter, Honiara.
School leaders are advised to provide accurate information, such as student date of birth, gender, first name and surname and other relevant information. Providing false information on student data is a serious offence and school leaders who contravene the rule will be reprimanded according to the Teachers Handbook Section 12.1.6.
All SIEMIS forms will be verified and validated when received by the Information Service Division.
School leaders are reminded to take heed of section 21 of the Education Act 1978 *Cap. 69), which states that “an education authority must on request promptly provide, or cause to be provided, such information concerning the establishment or operation of any of its schools as the Permanent Secretary or any authorised officer of the Ministry may require.”
Moreover, section 22 of the Education Act, requires that “a person who, after a request has been duly made, wilfully refuses to supply information concerning the operation of a school to the Permanent Secretary or an authorised officer is guilty of an offence.”
A school leader is also guilty of an offence under section 22 and section 44 of the Act, if the person provides false or misleading information.
For each of the offences, the maximum penalty is imprisonment for 1 year or a fine of $500 or both.
-MEHRD Press