The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Team will conduct a Render Safe Procedure (RSP) to one of the live bombs found at Oil Palm Plantation in the GPPOL 2 area, North Guadalcanal on 1 February 2023.
Officer In-charge (OIC) of EOD, Inspector Clifford Tunuki says, “The task will be carried out on block 4 plantation and will be active from 8am to 1pm on 1 February 2023.”Inspector Tunuki says, “Workers, farmers, hunters and the general public in and around Binu, Kautave and the surrounding areas are kindly warned to keep out from block 4 plantation while the operation is in progress. Communities are urged to cooperate with Police so that we have this operation safely conducted and completed in a timely manner”
Safe evacuations of people and road blocks will be enforced within these areas during the time of the operation.
OIC Tunuki says, “It is advisable to continue report any sightings of any unexploded bombs through Police free toll line 999 or the RSIPF EOD mobile 7495215 or report it to any nearest Police Stations.”