The Minister of National Planning and Development Coordination (MNPDC) Hon. Rexson Ramofafia has recently highlighted the importance of a joint dialogue between the Solomon Islands Government and its Development Partners.
“Solomon Islands is interested in genuine, durable, inclusive and transparent partnerships that support sustainable development and deliver real tangible benefits on the ground.”
This is according to Hon. Ramofafia when he launched the second joint dialogue between SIG and its Development Partners last week.
According to Hon. Ramofafia the joint dialogue as a platform is important “as it allows us to seek and create common understanding and build partnerships around shared goals and objectives.”
He further stressed that the importance to work together to address development challenges and the impact of Covid 19 depends on the ability to ensuring a cohesive and coordinated approach starts with the ability to come together to discuss, collaborate and create effective partnerships.
He acknowledged that Covid 19 has changed the landscape of development in fundamental ways and has further intensified the development challenges that we face.
“For Solomon Islands, the global pandemic has dealt heavy blows to our economy and to our peoples social and economic livelihoods and well – being”, he said.
He stated that the disturbances that the country have faced due to Covid 19 have the potential to slow down or undo the hard won development gains that the country have achieved.
“This new landscape for development has important implications for development cooperation,” he said.
The Joint Dialogue is an important avenue which SIG and Development Partners come together and dialogue on development issues and challenges affecting the country with the aim of forging mutual understanding on addressing these challenges.
-GCU Press