Provincial Fisheries Officers reminded of their roles as gov’t agents
Provincial Fisheries officers who participated in the Annual Provincial Fisheries conference which concluded in Honiara Friday last week, were reminded of their important roles as government agents in their respective Provinces.
Speaking during the conference’s opening, Supervising Permanent Secretary, Ms Rosalie Masu reminded the Provincial Fisheries Officers of their important roles in advancing the mandated role of the Ministry of Fisheries in supporting the National Government fisheries policy.
“This is important because you are on the ground therefore, expected to play a leading role in planning the fisheries sector and implement development aspiration of the provinces you serve,” she told them.
Ms Masu also reminded the PFOs to align their work with the different divisions within the Ministry and to ensure better communications and reporting is done to their respective Provincial Executives.
She also told the PFOs to be transparent and accountable for monies they received from their allocated SIG support and support from Mekem Strong Solomon Islands Fisheries (MSSIF) for projects in their respective provinces.
The weeklong conference saw different presenters doing presentations on Fisheries law, Asset procurement and Management, Solar Power System, Scheme of Service Development, Imprest, Audit and Management, Provincial Fisheries Ordinance, Community Based Resource Management and Training Policy.
The Provincial Fisheries Officers also had one on one interviews with the head of Provincial Fisheries Division, Deputy Director Bennie Buga, MSSIF Team Leader Anna Schwarz and facilitators of the workshop to get feed-back on their work plan implementation for 2021 and also finalising their plans going forward for 2022.
Meanwhile, the Provincial Fisheries Officers are attending the gender workshop this week at the Harmony Conference Room.
-MFMR Press