Police conduct high visibility presence at Fiu Village during consecration of Bishop Michael Bebeu
Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPF) at Auki in Malaita Province have conducted high visibility operations during the consecration of Malaita Diocese Anglican Bishop, Reverend Michael Bebeu at Fiu Cathedral in Central Kwara’ae from 14 to 16 April 2023.
Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Superintendent Leslie Kili says, “The operation high visibility was mounted purposely to oversee security in maintaining law and order during the consecration of Bishop.”
PPC Kili says, “During the high visibility operation Auki police officers’ confiscated kwaso (homebrew) apparatus and 10 litres of kwaso at Fiu village.”
Superintendent Kili says, “Police identified a suspect but he escaped when police arrived at his residence.”
“I would like to acknowledge community chiefs, leaders and elders in Fiu village for supporting police while carrying out their duties for the preparation to the ordination of the Malaita Bishop,” says Mr. Kili.
“I would like to further thank the hard working officer who has been involved in providing high visibility police presence in and around the Fiu community during the program,” says Superintendent Kili.
RSIPF- Press Release