South Vella La Vella constituents in the Western Province are ready to celebrate the grand opening of their newly refurbished and upgraded Kolokolo area health centre (clinic) tomorrow (Wednesday 26th April 2023).
The project development was made possible through the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) program of the national government, thanks to the continues support and commitment of the Member of Parliament for South East Vella La Vella Constituency (SVC) Honourable Fredrick Kologeto.
The re-opening will guarantee the availability of improved healthcare services to people in the constituency.
The clinic was in its worst state over the years, until MP Kologeto stepped in with funding support to foot the demolition of the rundown clinic and its reconstruction and extension work using the SEVC CDF allocation.
The program’s guest of honour will be the Premier of Western Province Hon. Billy Veo.
The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) Ambassador to Solomon Islands Li Ming is also expected to be part of the grand opening along with MP Kologeto, government officials from the Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Health, Members of the Western Provincial Assembly, church leaders, chiefs, community leaders and constituents of SEVC.
MRD understands that SEVC has invested most of its CDF allocation into major essential infrastructure projects. An investment that will not only benefit a handful of constituents but everyone in the constituency.
Some of the projects that the constituency is also funding through CDF and are also earmarked for official handovers in due course are; construction of two clinics which include Kolokolo clinic; Copra buying and storage centre; a fisheries centre; coconut crushing mill facility; Police Post; wholesale/cooperative society centre; Piggery project, construction of two new police staff houses and a kava processing facility.
All these projects are funded by CDF under the leadership of MP Kologeto who is also the current Minister for the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labour and Immigration (MCILI). Since coming into leadership in 2019, MP Kologeto has focused on long term development plans for his constituency and people.
These developments are part of the government’s continuous commitment under the leadership of MP Kologeto to decentralize services and bring them closer to its rural people.
Most of these projects are located at the (SEVC) Constituency Development Growth Centre (CDGC) at Vonunu.
SEVC is one of the few constituencies in the country that continue to put more of its commitment toward the development of its CDGC.
CDF is a programme of the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) and is implemented by the 50 constituencies in the country through the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) purposely to improve the social and economic livelihoods of all Solomon Islanders.
Peoples Republic of China (PRC) is the only donor partner providing CDF support to the Solomon Islands Government since 2019 – 2022.
MRD’s vision is to ensure all rural Solomon Islanders become meaningfully participated in development activities to improve their social and economic livelihood.
– MRD Press