National COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage and Vaccination Sites for this week
As of last week Friday 13th of August, the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) administered 63,868 COVID-19 vaccines for both AstraZeneca and Sinopharm 1st and 2nd doses although actual figure is higher as data from Malaita launch and roll out is yet to be received from provinces such as Choiseul.
From this total doses administered, 14,553 people have received their second doses, 3.5 percent of total target population now fully vaccinated against COVID-19. 34, 762 people have received their 1st dose and are encouraged to ensure they receive their 2nd dose.
For Honiara and Guadalcanal province combined 8.1 percent of total target population for these two provinces have received their 2nd doses, 3.3 percent for Choiseul and 2,2 for Western provinces. Later this week update for Malaita coverage should be available.
The Ministry of Health is currently rolling out COVID-19 vaccines to the provinces in its effort to accelerate uptake and coverage of at least 80 percent of the eligible population, 18 years and above in light of ongoing threat of COVID-19.
Last week Malaita province launched its COVID-19 vaccination program and work is now underway to roll out the vaccines the province. Later this week Central Islands and Isabel provinces will follow suit in launching and rolling out COVID-19 vaccines.
Following vaccination conducted so far, total of 90,000 plus doses remain to be used, over 26 thousand for Sinopharm and around 65 thousand for AstraZeneca vaccines. Additional 126,000 doses are expected to be received in coming three weeks. The Ministry of Health remains grateful to donors and development partners for ongoing support to provide COVID-19 vaccines and with commitments made so far, and the Ministry of health is confident that there will be enough for the entire eligible population as we progress.
COVID-19 vaccines remain the most effective and efficient means to date to tackle the pandemic, especially in preventing severe illness, hospitalization and deaths from COVID-19.
This week vaccination sites, for Honiara will be the usual Central Field Hospital with additional sites at Kukum Field and roadside just below Holy Cross. In Guadalcanal vaccination this week will be at Kulu school and Tau village and surrounding communities in Tasimboko Ward of Guadalcanal today. Mobile team of vaccinators are also down at Numbu village in Paripao Ward conducting vaccination. 2nd dose also being administered for Gold Ridge workers. For Lunga residents, vaccination site is being proposed for the Four Square church area alongside road to McWorth Oil Company for this week thus keep watch.
In the Western province, vaccination will be reaching communities in Buleana, Marawari, Joroveto, Supato, Lajaka and Leona this week with vaccinations continuing at Gizo hospital and Noro as well. For Choiseul, Polo vaccination site will continue to roll out vaccines this week and vaccination at the provincial capital is again opened for vaccination this week.
-MHMS Press