About The Business & Cooperative Division
Business and Cooperative Division is mandated to Promote and enhance economic growth through the creation of increased business opportunity through;
- Providing of the best business services for excellence, innovation, creativity and communicating effectively to transform existing and emerging economic challenges affecting Solomon Islands.
- Delivering to MSMEs in Solomon Islands with high quality Business Advisory and other mandated development services such as Research & Development (R&D), Business & Financial Management Training (T&D), Promotion and Establishment of business Associations in the constituencies, and review of the Cooperative Movement and other Existing MSME policy/legislation in the country.
While at the same time proactive in creating a robust MSME business environment pertaining on area of access to finance and other technical supports that would necessitate and flourish MSME development as a leading sector for economic growth in the Economy. We also trust our employees through proposition of skills transfer, development and use of the latest technology in our operations to improve economic advancement of Solomon Islands.
Core Functions of the Business Unit – Policy Objective
PPO (m) – Promote more opportunities for income generation and employment for citizen in the country.
- Research in Micro Small and Micro Enterprises (MSME) funding arrangements to assist indigenous Solomon Islanders venture into commercial export oriented activities and downstream processing of primary commodities.
- Training & Development Program – Facilitate both Business skills and technical training and align them established to BDS program and registered CBO in the rural areas. This includes training of potential business entrepreneurs, existing SMEs, CBOs, and individuals that are interested to venture into business activities throughout Solomon Islands
- Business Development Services & Promotions – Provide Administrative and financial support for the establishment of Business centres and CBOs at urban and rural areas.
Core Functions of the Cooperative Unit
- Liquidation and Revitalisation of exiting co-operatives.
- Co-operative Promotion and Development.
- Advisory and training for Co-operatives’ members, committee and employees.
- Support existing and new Co-operatives with accessing finance, audit, accounting and capacity building.
Our Services
Business Unit
The Core services of the Business Unit are as follows:
- Provide support and advisory services for the Solomon Islands Government’s Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMES).
- Providing of Business Training and Development Program for MSMES in the country
- Contacting of Research and Development (R&D) to urban Centres, Provinces and Constituencies
- Promotion and establishment of Businesses and cluster industries Associations
Cooperative Unit
Core services of the Business Unit are as follows:
- Administer the Cooperative Societies Act (Cap 164) and its related By-laws
- Promote the 7 Cooperative Society principles
- Registration and liquidation of Cooperative Societies
- Auditing, Inspection and Accounting for Cooperative Societies
- Conciliation and Arbitration (Cooperatives)
- Development and review of Policies
- Reforms and review of relevant legislations
Essential Services
The essential services provided under Business and Cooperative Division are;
- Business Support and Advisory Services
This day to day office activity for providing of Business Advisory services to walk in MSMEs. This services includes business proposals writing, Micro Business Loan Scheme advices, financial and book keeping etc. to up skill to enhance their business undertakings. - Business Training and Development Services
Facilitate Business Skills Training to community business organised groups, business associations in rural and urban centres, cluster associations, through outsourcing of SISBEC and other service providers conducting individual training programs for respective stakeholders. Also Provide cooperatives training to existing and newly established cooperative societies employees and managers.Providing of Business Skills Trainings to up skill and improve management capability skills of business leaders and owners. - Research & Development
- This is one of the activities under BCD Development program for conducting of research on existing potential resources such land for mobilization of commerce, agriculture, fisheries, minerals, infrastructure and link to cluster development programmes.
- Research in Micro Small and Micro Enterprises (MSME) funding arrangements to assist indigenous Solomon Islanders venture into commercial export oriented activities and downstream processing of primary commodities including copra, cocoa, timber, fish filet, root crops, tropical fruit jams, fruit juice.
Documents & Links
Express Directory
Ministry of Commerce, Industry, labour and Immigration, Head Quarter |
If you’re in the Solomon Islands and wish to visit us, our office location is provided below for your convenience. We look forward to welcoming you.
Physical Address
Business & Cooperative Division
Mendana Avenue, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Mailing Address
Business and Cooperative Division
Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labour & Immigration
P.O Box G26, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Headquarters – (+677) 22856, 25081, 25082, 25083
Director of Business and Cooperative
Website Address
Hours of Operation
8:30am to 5pm (Mon – Fri)