The Minister of Culture and Tourism, Bartholomew Parapolo launched the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) Corporate Plan 2021 to 2024 during a ceremony to farewell five of the ministry of culture and tourism retiree’s staff on Saturday 31st July 2021.
The launch happened at the National Museum Auditorium in Honiara.
Minister Parapolo said that under the Democratic Coalition Government Alliance (DCGA) Reform programs and productive sector, MCT was given the mandate to administer a wide range of portfolio, ranging from the tourism development, cultural sector development, national heritage management and safeguard and the development of the arts and creative sector.
“The corporate strategies and plans captured in the MCT Corporate Plan 2021- 2024 document outline the directions the ministry to pursue over the next four years through the specific mandates of the Tourism Division, Culture Division, National Museum, National Archives and the National Art Development Division,” said Parapolo.
He further stated that the commitment by the Ministry towards its Corporate Plan is reflected in the following:
- ensure an even process in the monitoring and evaluation of its programs and activities;
- enable clear reporting on those programs and activities;
- provide better information on government resources allocated to those programs and activities;
- allow for proper coordination and direction towards achieving its aspired targets and outcomes.
According the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Andrew Nihopara, the COVID 19 pandemic situation imposed the need for new approaches and outlook on the work of the Government through the various ministries.
The vision of the Corporate Plan is to ensure that the proper services through agencies and services effectively delivering to people.
A robust service to agencies for effective service delivery and sustainable protection of the diverse culture and traditions of the people of Solomon Islands through sustainable tourism development agenda.
He further said that the impacts of the pandemic on the national economy imposed a completely new dimension to the review process of the corporate plan.
“Hence, given the highly uncertain nature of the future, due to the ongoing global pandemic and the increasing demand on Government resources,” Nihopara added. “It is only appropriate to take an approach that would ensure the MCT corporate plan for the next four years also remain dynamic and aligned to ongoing priority development areas that the various MCT divisions are responsible for.”
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism consists of the National Art Gallery, National Museum, National Archives, Culture Division, Tourism Division, and Corporate Division.
-MCT Press