JIMS-2 equipment’s handed over to CSSI.
The Justice Information Management System 2 (JIMS-2) equipment’s been handed over to the Correctional Service Solomon Islands (CSSI) on 26 October 2023 at the Correctional Service Headquarters, Rove, funded by the Australian Government.
The JIMS-2 equipment’s been handed over to CSSI by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Counsellor Governance and Stability Ms Tessa Plueckhahn.
This JIMS-2 equipment’s will support the implementation of JIMS in CSSI and links to other Justice sectors.
CSSI Commissioner Mactus Forau expressed his great appreciation for the generous support of JIMS-2 equipment and this would provide an opportunity for Rove Central Correctional Centre (RCCC) to improve their prisoners information data.
He adds this system captures all elements of prisoners, time spent in a correctional centre including active Case Management and daily recording of such into the system. It is also relevant in relation to information collation, decision making, projecting future needs and organizational data collation system for prisoners served in Correctional Centres. This also includes importantly, possible merging issues in the management of prisoners, such as remand status and most recently, understanding the challenges of overcrowding in the system.
Meanwhile, Counsellor Governance and Stability Ms Tessa Plueckhahn said “Australia is pleased to remain as a key partner in the Justice Sector.”
“We are proud that Australia and Solomon Islands are working together to provide peace, safety and social economic development by strengthening the law and justice services in the Solomon Islands”.
“We recognised the importance of Correctional Services in Solomon Islands in maintaining justice and security and their well-functioning in justice system is in critical stable society and for Solomon Islanders to feel safe and secure”, says Counsellor Tessa.
She adds that Australia is pleased to provide the JIMS equipment to enable an effective and efficient operation of the justice information management system, and proud to continue to provide ongoing support to Correction Services Solomon Islands through the Australian and Solomon Islands in Partnership for Justice (ASIP-J), as well as a Direct Funding Arrangement.
“We are very much, looking forward to continue supporting your work to help achieve your vision with the JIMS.”
CSSI Press