The Gizo/Kolombangara Constituency (GKC) Office has acknowledged the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) Embassy in Honiara for supporting their water projects through the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).
GKC office stated that most of its water project in the constituency that were built last year and this year were supported by PRC with its Water Supply & Sanitation funding component through the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) CDF programme.
The funding assistance commonly known as the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is targeting the alleviation of poverty and improving the livelihoods of rural Solomon Islanders.
PRC support for this year focuses mainly on three components which include; community social infrastructures, Water Supply & Sanitation, and income-generating initiatives to improve rural livelihoods.
The two major water projects on Kolombangara Island were successfully completed and were already in use when MRD Monitoring and Evaluation team visited the two communities of Sausepe and Jack Harbour. a fortnight ago.
GKC Office further stated that they will continue to work closely with PRC and other development partners towards advancing rural development in the constituency to improve social and economic livelihood of its rural people as well as implement other projects under the Water Supply & Sanitation component.
Meanwhile, MRD Permanent Secretary Dr. Samson Viulu expressed appreciation on behalf of the Solomon Islands Government and its people to the Government of the People’s Republic of China and its taxpayers for their ongoing support towards this program.
He also expressed gratitude to the Government of PRC for its commitment to the development aspirations of the Solomon Islands.
He said that so far PRC is the only donor supporting the CDF program but hopes for more support from other donor partners once the legislative and policy reforms of the ministry is implemented.
He further assured that as a responsible ministry (MRD), they will continue to work together with GKC and the other constituencies to help improve the lives of the rural people through these important projects.
MRD vision is to ensure all rural Solomon Islanders become meaningfully participated in development activities to improve their social and economic livelihood.
– MRD Press