La Nina conditions across the Tropical Pacific have persisted and strengthened as trade winds intensified from mid-July to mid-August.
Model prediction and expert assessment indicate that there is 70% chances for La Nina to continue into the month of September to November 2022.
Outlook for September to November – 70% La Niña.
La Niña is associated with wetter than normal rainfall condition in most parts of Solomon Islands which associated with flash flooding, landslides and severe storms/tropical cyclones with impacts on communities living near riverbanks, damage food gardens, destroy houses, bridges and other infrastructures.
The ocean will also experience higher sea levels which when combined with high tides can lead to coastal inundation, especially in the lagoons and bays. Trade winds will strengthen over this period making it riskier for small craft travelling.
For further information
Contact the Solomon Islands Meteorological Service for further information – phone: 24218.
The Director Solomon Islands Meteorological Service Division
Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology
P.O Box 21, Honiara, SOLOMON ISLANDS
Phone: 20332 Fax: 23029,