DC Matanga conduct awareness talk at Mwaniwiriwiri community in Central Makira
Deputy Commissioner (DC) Operations of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) conducted an awareness talk at Mwaniwiriwiri village in central Makira last week.
The awareness talks have been conducted in support of the provincial policing in preparations for the upcoming joint elections on 17 April 2024.
She says, “For a safe and secure joint elections our police here in the province will be assisted by a few Honiara based police officers and will be deployed and posted at our respective polling stations.”
During the awareness program a good number of people have turned up despite preparations for Good Friday and the Easter weekend. Few elders have asked questions for more clarifications for the general audience. Those who attended the awareness talk were reminded to pass on the templates to those who were not able to attend the awareness talk.