The Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) has begun its inaugural consultation on the first ever Solomon Islands Constituency Development Policy (CD) in Guadalcanal today (Thursday 8th September, 2022).
The two days consultation was held at the Captain’s Point Conference Centre, West Guadalcanal with representatives from eight constituencies in Guadalcanal Province.
The two-days consultation workshop will enable MRD to gather invaluable inputs and recommendations from its stakeholders to assist them (MRD) towards the formulation and design of the Constituency Development policy framework.
The policy framework will set the bases for MRD internal taskforce to develop the drafting instructions of the proposed review on the CDF Act 2013. It will also further enhance the planning, coordination, implementation and management of the CDF.
MRD Permanent Secretary Dr Samson Viulu told the Guadalcanal participants during his opening remarks that MRD wants to hear their honest views and honest experience on how development is currently taking place in their respective eight constituencies in Guadalcanal.
“What we all want to see is that this is a home-grown policy meaning this policy derives from you the rural people, “he added.
He further stated that other main features of the policy are identification of main thematic focus areas, allocation of financial resources, constituency governance, improved and more focused delivery mechanisms and proper coordination, planning and sustenance of income generating projects.
PS Viulu further stated that the CD policy is intended to guide how development can be sustainably implemented and harnessed throughout all constituencies in collaboration with relevant line ministries and other stakeholders.
“The new development policy will make more emphasis in the productive and resource sectors including essential services to address the issues and challenges faced daily by rural dwellers thereby activate an additional percentage of the productive population to contribute to the national revenue consequently grow our local and national economy.”
Meanwhile, the participants expressed their honest view about this consultation program, stated that it’s time MRD as a very important SIG agency that deals with the rural people of this country need to change the approach for the good of our people in the villages in Guadalcanal and the other 49 constituencies.
While the participants appreciate the Solomon Islands Government through the MRD for this important undertaking they also share some of the saddest experiences in their constituencies with regards to CDF Fund.
“We cannot wait any longer to see this home-grown policy come into fruition which will lead to the formulation of the much-awaited Regulation for the CDF Act 2013,” a participant said.
They added that CDF Regulation must be put in place to govern and manage the CDF from the top down to the rural people who are the beneficiaries of the CDF funded projects.
PS Viulu in response to the first part of the discussion told the participants that this is what MRD is here for and that is to get your view, your experiences and recommendation which will be captured in the formulation of this Solomon Islands Constituency Development Policy.
MRD Human Resource Manager Joy Tealiklava Mane also took this opportunity to educate the participants about the vision, aims and objectives of MRD.
MRD Financial Controller Timothy Paoka also make his presentation about the financial processes within the ministry and the process on how the rural people in the 50 constituencies can access the funds.
More than 30 participants participated in the two-days consultation which will complete tomorrow.
– MRD Press