Officers of the Royal Solomon Police Force (RSIPF) in Auki have arrested ten suspects during an operation over the weekend.
The high visibility operations during the weekend targeted Kwaso (homebrew) illegal sales, consumption of alcohol and consuming liquor in public places.
During the operation police have conducted patrols and foot beats around Auki town covering communities nearby the Auki township area.
Police arrests were made and eight cases were established for the offences of consuming liquor in public places, in possession of dangerous drugs, carrying liquor for sales, in possession of dangerous weapons.
Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Malaita Province Superintendent (Supt) Leslie Kili said Auki investigators are working very hard during the weekend on charging and ensuring that these people will stand before the Auki Magistrates’ Court.
PPC Kili said all were dealt with accordingly and charged to appear before Auki Magistrates’ Court on a later date.
Superintendent Kili said a raid was conducted during the night at Teak area on 8 July 2022 and police encountered a huge number of people and confrontation.
Mr Kili appealed to all communities especially communities within the town boundary and surrounding communities to help police with information on Kwaso production and sales of marijuana.
Supt Kili, appealed to the teak community to come forward and surrender their Kwaso utensil and stop the selling of kwaso. This is a collective effort not only for the police to reduce crime in communities.
The operation team was supported by the Provincial Response Unit (PRU) and traffic office. Traffic checks were also conducted during the night and many vehicles found and warned for defective and consuming liquor in moving vehicles with loud music.