The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) 2022 annual reflection and planning retreat kicks off this morning at B17 Dive, Northwest Guadalcanal, Guadalcanal Province following intense reviewing of the national agriculture policy and subsector policies for the past two days.
Deputy Secretary – Cooperate and Strategic Planning Elda Leah Wate said this year’s retreat is built on the theme ‘Building Our Foundation Stronger’
“The reflection and planning retreat is very important for MAL because of the Agriculture Sector Growth Strategy & Investment Plan (ASGIP) and the Corperate Plan 2021 to 2024 for staff to be able to understand and link the activities with their divisional AWP (Annual Work plan) to achieve the ministry goals and objectives.
She said this is also important for the preparation of the 2023 budget process which according to the government timeline normally falls on August/September period. But most importantly is the PG 2023 where ministries been asked to prioritise activities towards our very important event next year.
Today’s proceedings started with participants being divided into two groups with officers from the provinces in one group and Honiara based officers in the other and were given six questions to answer as part of their work reflections. Thereon in the afternoon presented their reflection summaries in front of the MAL management (Permanent Secretary, Deputy Secretary Technical and Deputy Secretary Cooperate and Strategic Planning) to give their feed backs. In the evening the participating dept. and provinces will be given the new annual work plan templates which they are expected to filled and completed by the end of the planning retreat.
For the final day (Friday 29th) will see the finalizing of annual work plans (AWP 2023) and each dept. to do presentation of their depts. AWPs. Thereafter discuss and make recommendations for the way forward for the ministry and wind down the planning retreat and policy workshop.
The 4 days policy workshop and annual reflection and planning retreat saw the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) bring together Chief Officers from all the provinces, MAL Heads of Depts and senior officers as well as MAL partners & stakeholders for the important meet.
-MAL Press