A well-planned city named Mamara New Capital City is now taking shape at Mamara, Northwest Guadalcanal.
The Mamara- Tasivarongo- Mavo Development (MTMD) project is coined as a transformational development and is executed under the Private- Public Partnership (PPP) business module.
The lead coordinating ministry is the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labour and Immigration, Ministry of Lands and other line ministries. Metropolis Pacific Pty Ltd, a Singapore company, owns the exclusive development right of the new city.
The Metropolis Mamara Development Ltd is the foreign investor undertaking the project on the ground now.
According to the Permanent Secretary of Commerce, Riley Mesepitu the New Capital City will host a number of important amenities including an administrative centre district, business district, national education centre and sport centre area.
Mr. Mesepitu revealed that the most important undertaking under the project is the construction of 1,000 to 1,300 houses for public servants; these houses are expected to be completed just before the 2023 Pacific Games.
Mr. Mesepitu explained that the Mamara- Tasivarongo- Mavo development project is styled after the North New Georgia Timber Corporation Act where like the former; an act called ‘Mamara- Tasivarongo- Mavo agreement Act’ was passed in parliament in 1995 to govern the development of the Mamara- Tasivarongo- Mavo areas.
Mr. Mesepitu said the Act gives power for a council to decide and make important decisions regarding the development of the areas.
It is understood that the council consists of four officials representing the government- the minister of Commerce, the minister of Lands, the Minister of Provincial Government and the Minister of Finance. The Premier of Guadalcanal Province is also a member of the council as well as three investment members representing the developer, MPPL.
The Commerce Permanent Secretary stated that the council’s duties amongst others is to approve work plans, discuss issues arising during the course of development and other important matters pertaining to the development of Mamara- Tasivarongo- Mavo lands.
Mr. Riley Mesepitu said a technical team consisting of appointed officials and a taskforce committee supports the council. The current chairman of the council as well as the MTMD project is the minister of Commerce.
Mr. Mesepitu further revealed that an interim secretary in the ministry of Commerce provides for the Secretariat work to the council and the Invest SOLOMONS is providing support to the chair of the MTMD project as well.
A site visit by Government Communication Unit (GCU) reveals that currently a servants’ quarter has been set up and project technical workers from China are settling in their temporary home.
It is observed that ground removal and excavation is underway as the site for the public servants’ housing is being cleared.
According to the Commerce Permanent Secretary Riley Mesepitu in the next two weeks or so three types of demonstration residential houses will be built for public viewing and to get the feel of the types of houses that is planned to be built at the Mamara development site. This is phase 1 of the Mamara development program according to the Mamara New Capital City master plan.
Mesepitu added that the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labour and Immigration on behalf of the government is currently liaising with the developer in planning the official launching of the Mamara New Capital City development. This is expected to eventuate early March 2021.
A town outside of Honiara will ease the social pressures associated with more population congregating in Honiara city.