About 32 participants from wards five, six and seven on small Ngella in Central Province have benefitted from a one-day Crime Prevention Workshop that was conducted by officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) at Vuturua Village on 4 December 2020.
“Crime prevention is an attempt to reduce and deter crime. It is policing through working in partnership with all stakeholders and communities.”
Walter Manefakale
RSIPF Crime Prevention Coordinator, Central Province, Police Constable Matthew Mumane says, “The training basically covered the Crime Prevention Strategy (CPS) model with its components and the principals of identifying the drivers of crime and how to resolve and mediate matters in the community by using the SARA model (Scanning, Analyze, Response and Assessment) for problem solving.”
Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Central Province, Inspector Walter Manefakale says, “Crime prevention is an attempt to reduce and deter crime. It is policing through working in partnership with all stakeholders and communities.”
PPC Manefakale says, “Crime prevention is everyone’s responsibility. This includes the provincial government, police, communities, citizens and non-government organizations (NGOs). A successful strategy will reach out to all members of society including vulnerable groups, children, youth, offenders and victims.”
“We must try to minimize the risk factors that contribute to criminal activities and maximize the positive factors that help reduce crime and make our communities a safer place to live in.”
PPC Manefakale says, “People on small Ngella appreciated and acknowledged the input by police in conducting such training for the people to work in partnership with the RSIPF to prevent crime in our communities.”