Vacancy Notice: Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs, MWYCFA

Posted 4 days ago

Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs,
P.O BOX G39,
Honiara, Solomon Islands


Terms of Reference (ToR) for an internal consultant to carry out the review of the Corporate Plan of the Ministry of Women Youth Children and Family Affairs



The Ministry of Women, Youth, Children, and Family Affairs (MWYCFA) was established in June 2007. It has 5 key divisions (Women Development Division, Youth Development Division, Children Development Division, Family Affairs Division, and Research Policy, Planning, and Information Division) and is supported by the Corporate Division. The ministry staff establishment is about 40 in total.

The ministry’s core function is to act as the main focal point for the numerous efforts to ensure that issues affecting women, youth, and children are addressed at all levels. These efforts include the responsibility of ensuring the protection, survival, participation, and development rights of women, youth, and children in the country. They are informed and guided by the National Constitution, two legislations, the National Strategic Plan, further international treaties and conventions, and lastly, a good number of Ministry-established policies endorsed by the cabinet.  As a focal point, the MWYCFA recognizes the responsibility of many parts of government at the national, provincial, and local levels on these issues. In addition, the Ministry organizes national consultations on issues related to the development of women, gender equality, youth, and children.



The MWYCFA had a revised corporate plan for 2021-2023. This corporate plan expired last year in 2023; however, the ministry has decided to wait for the formation of the new government before the review can get started. The new government (GNUT) was formed early in May 2024, and based on that, the ministry has decided to review it for the next three years.

The ministry’s position on the corporate plan is that it may still be current and relevant to the ministry’s work. It may need only minor adjustments. 



The objective of this consultation work is to revise and validate the Corporate Plan 2021-2023 so that it can be used for the next three years. To do that, the consultant is required to look at the validity and currency of the plan and work to renew the plan. This will require determining areas that are no longer required and the new areas of inputs in line with priorities and mandated functions and legislation of the ministry and the government.

The ministry would like this work to be completed by the end of this year, 2024.



The current Corporate Plan has expired last year (2023) and a new one is required since it is one important requirement of all government ministries. The review is also necessary to ensure that functions and activities of old and new are considered and reflected in the new Corporate Plan in light of new policies, requirements and mandates. A robust, effective, valid and inclusive corporate plan is required.



The work will specifically cover two areas. These are:

  1. Review the current Corporate Plan and its contents and incorporate new ones where required
  2. Actual drafting and finalising of the revised Corporate Plan.



The output is expected to be delivered at a timeframe of 20 non-consultative days of professional effort from the inception of the consultancy.



The following deliverables are expected from the consultants

Activity Details No. of Days
Methodology/ Preparatory Work
  • Develop methodology and action plan phased over the duration of the contract;
  • Develop list of stakeholders for group and one on one meetings in Honiara and if possible provinces;
  • Prepare logistic plans for consultations and workshop.
Within first 5 days of commencement
Desk review
  • Review Existing Corporate Plan, Documentations and information and decide on what is needed for final submission.
10 Days
Drafting and finalise MWYCFA Corporate Plan
  • Finalise the Corporate Plan
10 Days



This is a fixed contract. The price is inclusive of consulting assistance, and the production of all deliverables. Payments will be made in two (2) instalments based on the work output which will be agreed upon at the signing of the contract.



We are looking for a competitive and highly qualified and experienced personal with the following attributes:

  • Sound knowledge of organizational development and or Human resources and Administration in a government organisations.
  • A minimum of two years of Senior Management Experience and at least two years of experience in development process and programme design.
  • Extensive experience in Policy development and implementation
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal and liaison skills
  • A Master’s Degree in any related field.


Due date: 8th October 2024

For all queries about the application process please contact:

Name: Michael Samani, Clerical Officer, MWYCFA
E-mail address:


Name: Freda Filei, SAO, MWYCFA
E-mail address:
Phone: 23544/23548 Fax: 23534

Send your applications addressed to:

Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs
P.O. BOX G39


Job Features

Job CategoryConsultant

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