Solomon Islands Long Term Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS) endorsed
HONIARA, SOLOMON ISLANDS (13TH SEPTEMBER 2023) Solomon Islands Long Term Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS) developed with the leadership of Climate Change Division within the Ministry of Environment Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM)in collaboration with national stakeholders has been endorsed by cabinet on 24th August 2023 and submitted to the Secretariat of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on 4th September 2023.
Under the the Paris Agreement the Solomon Islands is obligated to formulate and communicate long-term low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission development strategies. It provides a pathway towards low emissions, equitable, and resilient development vision for the Solomon Islands by 2050.
The pathway is made up of a 2050 vision, emissions pathway, and steps that will eventually take Solomon Islands away from the Business As Usual (BAU) pathway to the low emissions, equitable growth and resilience pathway.
In a nutshell, the LEDS will complement and support existing short and medium-term strategies such as the National Development Strategy (NDS) 2016-2035, sector strategies such as the National Forest Policy 2020 as well as cross-cutting strategies such as the National Climate Change Policy 2023-2032.
As such, it will provide an opportunity to identify pathway actions that will be beneficial across sectors over a longer period that might otherwise not feature in the short- and medium-term strategies.
The government through the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology would like to sincerely convey its appreciation and thank you to the various ministries, organizations, NGOs, private sector, and donors for their valuable contributions towards the development of the LEDS. Furthermore, special thanks go to the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) for providing the Technical and Administrative Assistance and lastly, The Regional Pacific NDC Hub for providing the financial support.
The LEDS will directly provide updates to Solomon Islands Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) under the Paris Agreement.