Commitment to accept policing is prestigious
Minister of Police, National Security and Correctional Services, Honourable Anthony Veke says the commitment to undertake policing duties is a very prestigious one.
When welcoming the 66 new Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) recruits on Wednesday at the Rove Headquarters, Minister Veke said the decision made by the recruits comes with a lot of commitment, integrity and a strong sense of national pride and responsibility.
“The commitment to our sovereign country as keepers and enforcement of policing duties should be the paramount consideration of what each new recruit, aspires to become after training.
“I believe, adopting a transformational mindset to contribute positively towards the development of our policing environment should be the paramount goal.”
“To the new recruits, the training course will be intensive as large amount of materials will have to be acquired in a short period of time. This requires individual commitment and team effort.”
Minister Veke said he is honoured to attend this important opening program of the first recruit course of 2023 and to warmly welcome our first 66 new RSIPF recruits who will be undertaking police academic trainings for the next couple of months.
“It is indeed a milestone for these young men and women as they begin their policing career.”
The Minister said these young men and women are the fourth and final group of applicants selected from the recruit campaign conducted in 2019.
“I understand that they comprised of 43 males and 23 females representing all the nine provinces of Solomon Islands.
“I wish to congratulate each of you on your selection to join this recruit training course and for choosing policing as your career. You have gone through all the recruitment process. And have successfully passed all the requirements and now, you are here to undergo the first recruit course training for this year 2023.
“The RSIPF recruitment programme is aimed at equipping police recruits with better knowledge and skills. They will need qualities to enhance them to carry out their duties effectively and efficiently with core values of trust, professionalism and integrity.”
The Minister said during the training, all recruits will be accommodated at the Police Academy Barracks for the entire duration of the course.
“To the new recruits, the training course will be intensive as large amount of materials will have to be acquired in a short period of time. This requires individual commitment and team effort.
“So, I encourage all of you to work as a team, helping each other when you encounter difficulties in your course work. The police academy has officers who can assist you, should you require additional support.
“Please seek advice and guidance when you need them. They will be your mentors until the end of your training.”
In terms of your training course, the recruiters will be required to cover thirty-four (34) modules.
These modules will cover different topics ranging from professionalism, legislations, investigation, conflict resolution, prosecution, traffic and many other areas necessary for policing.
Most of the modules will be delivered by the Police Academy trainers and they will involve theory and practical activities. Other modules will involve physical activities such as ‘Drills’, the coordination of hand and foot movements, ‘Physical Fitness and Circuit’ trainings and ‘First Aid’ trainings.
Other subjects that will be delivered during your training course includes Basic computing, Environmental Crime and English grammar. Grammar will be delivered by the Islands Christian College. Computer training and environmental crime will be delivered by the Police Academy staff. And other law enforcement agencies will be presenting during the course as well.
The recruiters will be under close supervision by the Police Academy staff – guided by Police and the Academy Standing Orders.
The Minister warned them to adhere to the rules, as any breaches to the rules will result in disciplinary action taken against them or may lead to their dismissal. Therefore, each of them is expected to demonstrate high standard of discipline during the training course.
“You will be placed under confinement for the first periods of the course. This is to test your integrity and professionalism and instilling a sense of unity as a group.
“Recruits – I want to emphasis again the importance of adhering to policing discipline values. You will need to think, do and influence others to be law abiding citizens.”
Therefore, the Minister encourage them to develop and maintain a strong culture of discipline. Our policing environment has drastically changed over the past years and we need police officers who can stand the day to day challenges of various social issues.
“We need confident and brave officers who can uphold the rule of law at all times despite whatever costs it takes.”
Minister Veke has acknowledged the various divisions within the RSIPF through the Commissioner’s office for your tireless effort in ensuring that this first recruitment class begins their course and your commitment to continue mentoring and supporting the new recruits
He also acknowledges the ongoing donor support programs and assistance from Australia, China and New Zealand in assisting the development and growth of RSIPF manpower and lastly, I also acknowledge the ongoing support from our Ministry headquarter.