An adult male person die after OBM run on top his dugout canoe in Guadalcanal Province
Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RS IPF) at Henderson and Macau Police Station are investigating the death of an adult male person in his 50s after an Out Board Motor (OBM) engine run on top his dugout canoe in East Central Guadalcanal last night (16 June 2021).
Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Guadalcanal Province, Chief Superintendent Alfred Uiga says, “The incident happened last night between 11 and 12pm where a group of men from Babasu village left from a school fundraising on board a 30 horsepower engine heading easterly direction to Siarana village.”
PPC Uiga says, “They travelled along the coast and ran on top of the 50 –year-old male person’s dugout canoe who was fishing at that time. They came back and saw the dugout canoe floating, but no one was inside.”
Chief Superintendent Uiga says, “They checked and saw the man was in the sea. They rescued and go to Totongo clinic, but died shortly after the arrival.”
Mr Uiga says, “Police officers at Marau Police Station have attended to the incident last night. The officers still on the ground with the deceased relatives waiting for Henderson police investigators.”
“My condolence to the immediate family members during this sad moment as we lose one of our family member,” says PPC Uiga.